See ya Updates and Ninja Storm News!! (6.1.03)
Hey! I've upated Ninja Storm News. And, tomorrow, I will put all of these updates into my new page on the site, which will open tomorrow called "Achieved News/Updates," so say bye bye to these updates!! :-D
I Love Pictures!! (5.28.03)
I've updated everyone's gallery! Yes, you read right, I said everyone! You can go to their pages and see everyone's new pictures! You should see Tori! It's like Torimania in the gallery! :-D I've also updated the homepage with an official pic of Hunter and Blake from one of the episodes in the "Return of the Thunder" saga. Oh, and if you don't know, and do not want to know who the Green Samurai Ranger is to be, do not go to Cam's page because in the pictures, it will show who it is. I also have EXCLUSIVE screen caps from "A Samurai's Journey" Parts 2 and 3! If you don't know, those episodes haven't even aired yet!! Enjoy!
Pictures Galore!! (5.27.03)
Hey! I've updated everyone's, excluding Cam, picture gallery! I'm going to go picture hunting now. Expect TONS of pictures in the next update!! I'm off!
Warrior in Navy! (5.26.03)
I've updated the site with pictures of Blake! Can anyone help me? I've been searching the net and can't seem to find pictures of Blake! If anyone knows a good site for Blake, please e-mail me ASAP and please, give url!
Episode Guide! (5.25.03)
I've updated the episode guide to fit what I'm guessing what it will be like.
Pictures Galore! (5.9.03)
I've updated the site with pictures of Shane and Tori! More pictures to come in like the next day or so, so stay tuned!
More Updates! (5.8.03)
I've updated the Ninja Storm News page and the episode guide. In the Ninja Storm News page, you will find spoilers for 'A Samurai's Journey Parts 1-3'. I've also updated the Megazords page! Also, the main page has been updated! More updates to come!
Episodes are Rolling on in! (5.2.03)
I've just updated the episode guide. Now, I can't guarantee that this is what they will be called but, this is all I've got to go by for now. I've also updated the Ninja Storm News section.
Gallery Updates! (5.1.03)
Odd, none of pics on the site are loading for me. Hmmm..... well, if you can see them, I've added at least 1 picture to everyone's gallery!
Updates! (4.26.03)
Just added Cam as his own page and updated Allies.
Green Samurai and Armor!!! (4.26.03)
You read right! In the Ninja Storm News section, you can see who the Green Samurai Ranger is and what the Red Wind Ranger's battle armor is going to look like. This is a Japanese picture, so you know.
GIFs and a new page! (4.20.03)
Added two GIFs to your right and also a new page called Ninja Storm News! More coming soon!
Titles Added! (4.20.03)
I'm now adding titles at the top of the updates! Sorry about not updating but, I've been working hard on my fanfic on a message board. I'll be starting a website for that too and I'll have it in my Links page. But, I have a plan for today and it's to put up a GIF on the homepage. So, look out for it!
Updated the episode guide, again. Added the Fan Mail page, and added Episodes Summaries for episodes 2, 3, and 4! More coming soon!
Updated the Episode Guide. I know, I haven't been updating lately but that's only because I've been dealing with some personal problems in the real world. There may not be that many updates for a while for like a week or two. Thanks for your understanding.
Updated the episode guide because, for some reason, they changed it from Flower Power to Nowhere to Grow. I, personally, think that Nowhere to Grow is better and much more clever. Flower Power kinda MMPR, in my opinion. Well, more to come!
Changed picture at the side. Sorry about not updating lately, been busy. Will put up Fan Mail soon. More coming soon!
I've gotten up the Megazords, the Arsenal, and one sound bit. I also added some new stuff to our soon to come list. Enjoy!
Didn't notice yesterday, but our coming soon list getting down to the wire. (YAY!) Sound bits will be up today or tomorrow and lots more video clips to come! And then the arsenal and all.
Just added Lothor and his Gang. I also have Lothor's, Marah and Kapri's actor/actress's bioes. I hope you like it! Not that much left to do!
Just added the Multi Media page and the Episode Summaries page. I'm almost done with the Soon to Come list. I will then take any requests! But there's something that astonishes me, I can actually put video clips for download here! You know, since it's Tripod, I didn't think I could, but it works! More stuff coming soon! And the sound bits maybe be up later today. But don't count on it.
Added Hunter and Blake with Bioes and the Allies Page, which consists of Cam, Kelly, and Sensei. More updates coming soon! Tomorrow I will have up: Some sound bits, maybe video clips, or that will be up Saturday, Arsenal, and Lothor and gang! So, stay tuned for more updates becuase they just keep rolling on in!
Added Biographies for Pua Magavisa (Shane), Glenn McMillian (Dustin), and Sally Martian (Tori). A lot more updates are coming soon! And note this that all of the things on the coming soon list will be up by Saturday the 15th. So, come back soon, because chances are that some new things will be up! Later days!
My grand opening of my new site! Ninja Center! I want to know what you think of it so far! So, please e-mail me anything! Lots of updates to come!