When the Wind and Thunder Ranger powers are taken away from the Wind and Thunder Rangers, Cam uses the Scroll of Time to go back to time to get an unknown power source. While back in time, he finds his mother and father and finds out that his father has a twin brother!! His father's twin brother steals his mother's amulet and frames Cam. Cam is then taken to in front of the school and as soon as he is about to told his punishment, his dad comes out and they reveal that it was his twin brother who framed him. He and Cam then battle and Cam wears the amulet and it protects him. The twin brother is then banished from Earth and he then says that he will only be known as Lothor....Cam is surprised but he is banished. Cam then travels back to the present time and saves the other with his new Samuai Star Megazord!